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by dlanor64
Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:28 pm
Forum: EnvisaLink ( IP100D, IP170D, 2DS, 3, 4)
Topic: IP170D doesn't connect to server
Replies: 2
Views: 5652

Re: IP170D doesn't connect to server

Thanks for your help, it seems to be working now.

Rebooted the router and module a few time while sorting out the wiring and now it works.

by dlanor64
Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:44 am
Forum: EnvisaLink ( IP100D, IP170D, 2DS, 3, 4)
Topic: IP170D doesn't connect to server
Replies: 2
Views: 5652

IP170D doesn't connect to server

Hi, I setup my IP170D yesterday. I registered my device and contacts. I can access it from my LAN - no problem there. :) On my router, I forwarded external port 80 to the IP address of my IP170D However the status on the IP170 Home page (under envisalert) is always offline. I clicked on login to ...