Search found 2 matches

by montrealguyhere
Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:39 pm
Forum: EnvisaLink ( IP100D, IP170D, 2DS, 3, 4)
Topic: nice product.
Replies: 2
Views: 5169

Re: nice product.

hmmm so the key here is really the server..... as it understands all the codes and it does all the work... ok here are a few questions for y.. 1) on the 2ds will u make a configurable ipstack? i would like to manually config the system with out using bootp or dhcp. 2) will the Envisalerts Server ip ...
by montrealguyhere
Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:17 pm
Forum: EnvisaLink ( IP100D, IP170D, 2DS, 3, 4)
Topic: nice product.
Replies: 2
Views: 5169

nice product.

so i got my 2ds today, hooked it up and all is ok... 1) since you have a http server in the unit (2ds), is there a possibilty that there will be a method to access the complete configursation of the dsc unit through the 2ds web page? 2) will you allow direct email from the 2ds unit or will it always ...