Hi Edirol,
Thanks for your code. I am trying yours now in my DSC 5010, Envisalink 4, Pi Raspbian. Two days now still running no luck. How do I know what is current progress from screen output? Is it working as it should be?
Post some of the screen output here:
[20200619_085258] response: '8411CE\r\n51100F7\r\n5109100\r\n6501CC\r\n8401CD\r\n' (length 42)
[20200619_085604] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_085615] response: '61000229\r\n' (length 10)
[20200619_085615] response: '6501CC\r\n' (length 8)
[20200619_085707] response: '51110F8\r\n51080FE\r\n8490C18\r\n' (length 27)
[20200619_085707] response: '8411CE\r\n51100F7\r\n5109100\r\n6501CC\r\n8401CD\r\n' (length 42)
[20200619_085739] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_085740] response: '61000229\r\n' (length 10)
[20200619_085741] response: '6501CC\r\n' (length 8)
[20200619_090044] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_090045] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_090057] response: '60900231\r\n' (length 10)
[20200619_090058] response: '6531CF\r\n' (length 8)
[20200619_090101] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_090116] response: '51110F8\r\n51080FE\r\n8490C18\r\n' (length 27)
[20200619_090117] response: '8411CE\r\n51100F7\r\n5109100\r\n6501CC\r\n8401CD\r\n' (length 42)
[20200619_090328] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_090339] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_090526] response: '51110F8\r\n51080FE\r\n8490C18\r\n' (length 27)
[20200619_090526] response: '8411CE\r\n51100F7\r\n5109100\r\n6501CC\r\n8401CD\r\n' (length 42)
[20200619_090935] response: '51110F8\r\n51080FE\r\n8490C18\r\n' (length 27)
[20200619_090935] response: '8411CE\r\n51100F7\r\n5109100\r\n6501CC\r\n8401CD\r\n' (length 42)
[20200619_091157] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091158] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091202] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091204] response: '61000229\r\n' (length 10)
[20200619_091205] response: '6501CC\r\n' (length 8)
[20200619_091206] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091216] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091225] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091234] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091240] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091243] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091344] response: '51110F8\r\n51080FE\r\n8490C18\r\n' (length 27)
[20200619_091345] response: '8411CE\r\n51100F7\r\n5109100\r\n6501CC\r\n8401CD\r\n' (length 42)
[20200619_091410] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091413] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091430] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091439] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091454] response: '60900231\r\n6531CF\r\n' (length 18)
[20200619_091458] response: '61000229\r\n6501CC\r\n' (length 18)
edirol wrote:Hi Smith,
Thanks for posting this code as it helped me recover my installer code after purchasing a home with an existing DSC system.
I've modified it a bit with:
- major: will retry code entry immediately if presented option
- minor: some more comments
- minor: more debug output
- minor: logs in localtime vs zulu
On my DSC system, it allows 2 attempts every 30s, so this code modification doubled the testing rate.
- Edirol
Here's the updated code:
Code: Select all
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Time::HiRes qw ( time sleep );
# Edit the variables below #
# This is the IP of your EnvisaLink
# eg. 192.168.0.X, 10.0.0.X, etc.
$ip = "---------------------------------ADDRESS OF ENVISALINK---------------------------------";
# This is your EnvisaLink password. The default is user if you haven't changed it.
$password = "user";
# Range which you want to test
$code_start = "0000";
$code_end = "9999";
# You shouldn't need to modify the code below #
# auto-flush on socket
# force a flush after every write/print
$| = 1;
# Opens a new network socket on port 4025 (default port of EnvisaLink)
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerHost => $ip,
PeerPort => '4025',
Proto => 'tcp',
die "DEBUG: Cannot connect to EnvisaLink. REASON: $!\n" unless $socket;
# Start logging
# open OUT, ">log." . currenttime() . ".txt";
open(OUT, '>', "log." . currenttime() . ".txt") or die $!;
l0gt("DEBUG: Connected to EnvisaLink");
DSC_put(DSC_cmd("005", $password)); # 005 - network login
$response = DSC_get();
foreach ($response) {
/^5000052A.*5051CB/s && l0gt("DEBUG: Correct EnvisaLink password");
/^5000052A.*5050CA/s && l0gt("DEBUG: Incorrect EnvisaLink password") && exit(1);
/^.*5052CC/s && l0gt("DEBUG: Timeout") && exit(1);
$t = time;
for ($code = $code_start; $code <= $code_end; $code++) {
l0gt("DEBUG: Start installer mode entry cycle");
DSC_put(DSC_cmd("071", "1*8")); # 071 send keys, partition 1, '*8' enter installer mode
DSC_get_ww("^922"); # Wait for 922 (EVL requests installer code)
$scode = sprintf("%04d", $code); # Pad code with leading 0s if <1000
l0gt("DEBUG: Attempting $scode");
DSC_put(DSC_cmd("200", $scode)); # 200 send a code
# if the code is wrong you will get a 670 response and it will request another installer code via 922
# on my system it will only let you try again once via a 922
# 650=partition ready, 670=invalid access code, 680=system is in installer mode
$r = DSC_get_ww("^922|^6[58]"); #look for retry or ready or installer mode code
# try again if given opportunity via 922
while ($r =~ /^922/) {
l0gt("DEBUG: Trying again within same cycle");
$scode = sprintf("%04d", $code);
l0gt("DEBUG: Attempting $scode");
DSC_put(DSC_cmd("200", $scode));
$r = DSC_get_ww("^922|^6[58]"); #look for retry or ready or installer mode code
l0gt("DEBUG: If we're in installer mode, back out to main menu");
DSC_put(DSC_cmd("071", "1##")); # 071 send keys, partition 1, '##' possibly back out of installer menu
sleep(0.6); # wait for messages to be processed, otherwise "Keybus Transmit Buffer Overrun"
if ($r =~ /^680/) {l0gt("SUCCESS: $scode is the installer code"); exit(0); }
l0gt("DEBUG: End installer mode entry cycle");
close OUT;
# This will create a timestamp in localtime
sub l0gt {
my $s = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
l0g("[" . sprintf("%.4d%.2d%.2d_%.2d%.2d%.2d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec) . "] $s");
# This prints to STDOUT as well as logfile
sub l0g {
my $s = shift;
print "$s\n";
print OUT "$s\n";
sub currenttime {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $yyyymmddhhmmss = sprintf "%.4d%.2d%.2d_%.2d%.2d%.2d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;
# Converts text to ASCII values
sub DSC_cs {
my @chars = (split//, shift);
my $cs = 0;
foreach (@chars) { $cs += ord($_); }
return sprintf("%.2X", $cs & 0xFF);
# Formats command
sub DSC_cmd {
my $cmd = shift . shift;
return $cmd.DSC_cs($cmd);
# Logs a response
sub DSC_get {
my $response = "";
$socket->recv($response, 1024);
my $hresponse = $response; $hresponse =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $hresponse =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
l0gt("response: '$hresponse' (length " . length($response) .")");
return $response;
# Waits for response(s) and logs it
sub DSC_get_w { # wait for data
my $response = "";
X: sleep(0.1);
$socket->recv($response, 1024);
if ($response eq "") { goto X; }
my $hresponse = $response; $hresponse =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $hresponse =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
l0gt("response: '$hresponse' (length " . length($response) .")");
return $response;
# Waits for a specific response and logs it
sub DSC_get_ww { # wait for specific data
my $response = "";
my $wanted = shift;
X: sleep(0.1);
$socket->recv($response, 1024);
if ($response eq "") { goto X; }
my $hresponse = $response; $hresponse =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $hresponse =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
l0gt("response: '$hresponse' (length " . length($response) .")");
unless ($response =~ /$wanted/) { goto X; }
return $response;
# Sends a command and logs it
sub DSC_put {
my $req = shift . "\r\n";
my $size = $socket->send($req);
my $hreq = $req; $hreq =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $hreq =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
l0gt("sent data '$hreq' (length $size)");
Smith wrote:mikep wrote: Including, especially me! It was a very long time ago, so go with the internet majority. I don't recall which, I only remember DLS worked and I didn't need to reprogram the entire system...
Right 1616 has 6 zones plus one for each hardwired PK keypad (not sure about the other keypads).
Rightie O. Well, I'm testing blocks of 1000 installer codes now and then. It takes about 2.8 sec per attempt, so 45 min per block. Not sure yet if it will even work in the end but if it
would work then it
would be a nice feeling
Here is the code I am using now in case anyone is curious, I guess about any linux system (including raspbian or mac) would have perl installed.
So far no keypad lockout despite 1000s of wrong attempts at getting into installer mode (it's a PC5015 board). I'll update here with either 'success' or 'fail'....