*49 option 4? Open/close for EnvisaLink only?

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*49 option 4? Open/close for EnvisaLink only?

Post by l51683 »

I found a post about this from 2013 (and even an Amazon review from 2017) and am hoping there is an update.

I have the EVL4 and I have a monitoring company (using a phone line) on the Vista-20P. Everything works great, except the alarm company doesn’t want me sending Open/Close (disarm/arm) signals unless I pay more per month.

What will happen if I use *49 Option 4 instead of Option 5? I assume I also need to turn *65 and *66 back on if I do that.

Will it have the desired effect? Is there ANY way to get the desired effect?
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Re: *49 option 4? Open/close for EnvisaLink only?

Post by GrandWizard »

You can't have O/C reports not go to the dialer and but still receive Envisalerts.

You can either switch to Envisalarms IP monitoring or you could subscribe to Envisalerts+ which has an option called Synthetic O/C reports. It won't tell you who armed or disarmed, just that the partition is disarmed. You could then turn of *65 and *66
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