I have found these threads:
http://forum.eyez-on.com/FORUM/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2143 (Envisalink 4 - Honeywell Documentation)
http://forum.eyez-on.com/FORUM/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=301 (Envisalink - TPI Documentation)
Where's the documentation that for example, specifies that to send commands, the sentinels are ^ and $? I could only find (in some out dated documentation) that the sentinels are % and $, and had to go scouring through the forum threads and someone just happened to mention that the sending sentinels are ^ and $ and that % and $ is just for received commands.
I also saw that some people were using GET requests like where's the documentation for that?
I'm asking because when sending commands, I'm getting:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
I do get a lot of:
Code: Select all
%00,01,1028,FC,00,COMM. FAILURE $
%00,01,1C28,08,00, DISARMED CHIME Ready to Arm $