Firmware Change Log

Information and support for EnvisaLink modules.

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Posts: 2306
Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:08 pm

Firmware Change Log

Post by GrandWizard »

Updated 2024-01-09

Envisalink 4
Version 1.5.213 - DSC Only
- TPI and SIA commands for wireless low-battery reports and restorals.

Version 1.5.210 - DSC Only
- TPI login timeout bug fixed.

Version 1.5.208 - Release only for Sidekick users AND new customers with factory firmware
- Improved response to STP probes
- Improved handling of networks with high global Ethernet traffic (port flapping)
- Better integration of Sidekick with CSR software
- Fixing bug in SA build (formally UNO) where local page would not show zone openings
- Improvements to UI response when running on LTE only
- TPI login alerts removed. Long deprecated.

Version 1.5.204 - Release only for Sidekick users AND new customers with factory firmware
- DSC TPI "Ready to Force Arm" bug fixed.

Version 1.5.203 - Release only for Sidekick users AND new customers with factory firmware
- Envisalerts and interactive services over LTE (Sidekick) now working
- Loss of LTE backup reported to central station
- HW firmware now uses eNTP for local time
- Support for CT30 thermostats removed from DSC build.

Version 1.4.186 - Pre-release only for Sidekick users AND new customers with factory firmware
-Daily timer tests adding to Sidekick
-Longtime bug on Honeywell where the local zone grid never shows a zone as open
-Longtime bug on Honeywell TPI where Zone State change command (%01) may not be issued
-Sidekick SIM support for Australasia, South Africa, Europe, and all of the Americas added

Version 1.4.182 - Pre-release only for Sidekick users AND new customers with factory firmware
- Adding Envisalerts over the Sidekick LTE path
- Adding local supervision and outage reporting of the Sidekick, and the LTE path
- Adding Fire Trouble to Envisalarms
- Envisalarms over LTE added to UNO
- The already deprecated local web-page zone status has been removed from the DSC build due to code space

Version 1.4.176
- V2 protocol of Envisalink Expansion bus. Affected backwards compatibility with expansion modules like Sidekick
- Envisalarms now signals central station when LTE backup enabled (power outage, Internet outage)
- Support for Honeywell NIGHT mode on both the portal and the App
- New local webservices added for DSC, Honeywell, and UNO.

Version 1.3.174
- TPI bug with large Vista250P panels fixed. Invalid partition state bug.
- Vista panels with multiple partitions may show Bypass and Trouble states incorrectly on the mobile apps and portals.
- UNO4 and UNO8 expansion modules would issue keypad sounds for partitions other than 1. Fixed.

Version 1.3.172
- PGM webservice restored on DSC version
- UNO Auto Stay feature added
- UNO Exit fault now works on all partitions
- New UNO zone definitions - 24 Water, 24 Fire and Duress
- Delayed Fire Zones added to UNO
- Envisalink Sidekick LTE backup module, full support release.

Version 1.3.164
- UNO - Full 8 Partition Support enabled
- UNO - 24Hour zones no longer trigger swinger shutdowns.
- Envisalarms receviers expanded to 5
- Honeywell Bug Fix - EVL would misrepresent the partition status as Exit Delay when really it was Armed Away with active Trouble (keypad fast beeping)
- Honeywell Bug Fix - Envisalink Sidekick would not switch to secondary receivers for non-CID signals
- option to disable O/C reports for Envisalarms added
- DNS cache increased to help protect against reoccuring Supervision faults due to DNS spoofing/errors

Version 1.3.155
- Secondary DNS servers now supported correctly
- Envisalarms FTC restorals added
- UNO Envisalarms support added
- Honeywell Syslog zone number bug fixed
- E-Bus expansion added to DSC and Honeywell builds
- Honeywell Italian panels now supported
- UNO pulse PGM function fixed
- Bypass and Alarm In Memory status flags added to DSC builds
- Honeywell zone would sometimes show the wrong zone tripped after an alarm. Fixed.
- Full support for the Envisalink Sidekick cellular backup added
- Local network page TPI status removed due to limited code space
- Local support for DSC PGM control removed due to limited code space.

Version 1.3.130
- Local oscillator now calibrated to pNTPD
- UNO has swinger shutdown enabled
- UNO double alarm post fixed
- HTTP short timeout bug fixed
- Fixed bug whereby DNS proxies could issues RR TTL under 30 seconds
- FLASH wear-leveling improved
- Revamp of TCP/IP stack to improve overall response of all onboard apps.
- Bug fixed in TCP stack allowed for race condition during retransmissions due to lost data
- Port 0 potential exploit addressed
- New Envisalert to notify users of panel supervision faults
- Synthetic O/C fixed between version 1.1.102 and 1.1.109
- Zone delinquecy timers now can be set to minute or hour resolution
- Improved zone closig heuristics on Honeywell build
- UNO expansion module bus lockup fixed
- UNO zone bypass restore fixed
- Adding SYSLOG client

Envisalink 3/2DS
Version 1.12.205
- TPI bug with large Vista250P panels fixed. Invalid partition state bug.
- Vista panels with multiple partitions may show Bypass and Trouble states incorrectly on the mobile apps and portals.
- Fixed buy in HW TPI whereby command %01 wouldn't always issue

Version 1.12.202
- DNS cache increased to help protect against reoccuring Supervision faults due to DNS spoofing/errors
- Honeywell Bug Fix - EVL would misrepresent the partition status as Exit Delay when really it was Armed Away with active Trouble (keypad fast beeping)
- option to disable O/C reports for Envisalarms added

Version 1.12.199
- DSC Keybus fault on Envisalarm supervisory fixed

Version 1.12.198
- Secondary DNS servers now supported correctly
- Envivsalarms FTC restorals added
- Bypass and Alarm In Memory status flags added to DSC builds
- Honeywell zone would sometimes show the wrong zone tripped after an alarm. Fixed.

Version 1.12.191
- Improved EEPROM wear-leveling
- Port 0 potential exploit addressed
- New Envisalert to notify users of panel supervision faults
- Fix for multi-partion zones being out-of-order on Honeywell
- Adding Zones Bypassed to TPI
- Bug fixed in TCP stack allowed for race condition during retransmissions due to lost data
Posts: 2306
Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:08 pm

Re: Firmware Change Log

Post by GrandWizard »

Version 1.0.126
- Event throughout optimisations
- Low-battery alerts can be re-issued. Fixed.
- Improved RF reception

Version 1.0.124
- 24 Zones now work on all partitions
- ARM AWAY to ARM STAY bug fixed
- All fire zones are now delayed fire zones. Signal to central station delayed 30 seconds if no user intervention.
- RF RSSI values now shown on the local web page zone grid
- Remote Siren and Smoke detectors added to auto-learn

Version 1.0.119
- DNS resolver bug fixed
- Support for external siren added
- Stay and Away arming swap bug fixed
- Audile Exit Faults added

Version 1.0.112
- Auto-Stay function now working
- 24 Hour Fire, Water, and Panic all now report independently of burglary zones
- Support for the remote sounder added
- Envisalerts buffer increased to 512
- Envisalarms buffer increased to 4096
Posts: 2306
Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:08 pm

Re: Firmware Change Log

Post by GrandWizard »

Updated Jan 9, 2024


Version 1.0.95
- TPI and SIA commands for wireless low-battery reports and restorals.

Version 1.0.91
- Better integration with CSR software for LTE service

Version 1.0.88
- Issue with Honeywell local page zone grid fixed

Version 1.0.87
- UNO Standalone version now available