Rare, but sometimes a command isn't sent

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Rare, but sometimes a command isn't sent

Post by arrow201 »

Envisalink 4, v1.5.213
DSC Alarm

I don't know if others have experienced this or if I should fill out a ticket ...For the past ~6 months(?), I've noticed that once every 3 or 4 weeks a command isn't sent(ie."Stay Arm Home", etc.). I don't know if a coincidence, but appears to have been happening since i updated the EVL4 to v213, which was also ~6 months(?) ago. What I did find, is that when the command isn't sent, and if I then do a reset on the EVL4, the command will also be sent. It's appears the command is stuck in some queue? ..and a reset releases it from the queue? I'm pretty sure that a particular command is saved somewhere. What i mean is, ie. if i do a "stay" and it's not sent, then later, do an "away", which is sent, do a alarm clear, which is sent ...then do a EVL4 reset, the "stay" command will then be sent.

Thank you.
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Re: Rare, but sometimes a command isn't sent

Post by GrandWizard »

Commands from the portal and the app are queued in the cloud for delivery. If they cannot be delivered for network reasons, they are sent upon the next successful communication. This wouldn't be related to firmware and could be an indication of high packet loss.

Submit a tech support request from your Eyezon portal and we can look at your situation more closely.
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