Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by mikep »

Whew, this is a good list :).

I've got most everything in (exception partition selection), just finishing up the testing.

Since I was changing the LED colours anyway, I went with a yellow LED for 15 minutes after a zone was last closed (it was easier than a countdown and didn't crowd the interface). Seems to work pretty well for me in (my real life home) testing, let me know how it works.

Chris C was a big help in finding layout issues, if there's anything still awkward please let me know.

Next release will be out on google shortly. Thanks for the great feedback!

Mike P
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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by hypnosis4u2nv »

Can't wait to try it out.. The yellow color should be more than enough but maybe extend the time a bit.. I'll let you know after testing..
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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by hypnosis4u2nv »

Here's some problems with the last update:

My bedroom zone is tripped within 15 minutes yet the app doesn't show the yellow button.. All the rest of the yellow dots show they were opened when they weren't, including the zones with no devices attached..


Suggestion, instead of having the list of zones to the right of the keypad, why not put then underneath it? Seems there would be more room for them there..
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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by mikep »

Oops, found a timing issue with zones 20 and higher that caused them to stay yellow, I'll update that tonight after a bit more verification. Thanks for letting me know.

That's odd about the bedroom zone not showing up, I can't seem to recreate it. I may need to get you to send me a log of that one if you don't mind. If you use CatLog (the one by Nolan Lawson) it's pretty easy to capture and send me a log from just after you trigger the motion sensor - use the menu->send action to shoot it to me as an email.

I'll have to check around about moving the zone list underneath in portrait view. On smaller device screens it would be mostly hidden, I'll see if there's a way to move it there when the screen is longer.

BTW a few things I didn't mention:

You can control the "Recently Opened Zones" timer in menu->System->Recenly Opened Zone, default is 15 minutes, 0 disables it.

If you're using a dedicated, always connected tablet you can reduce the number of eyezon "logged in" notices by using the widget to keep the connection active.

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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by hypnosis4u2nv »

Some more oddities..


Seems not to be limited to just the zones over 20.. Sometimes I get all green, other times they show yellow without having been tripped..


Notice that some dots are unknown even after disabling the zones with "*"..

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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by mikep »

Yeah, those connect error dialogs are a bit annoying. My idea was to give a chance to stop and configure the IP address if it wasn't setup. I've changed it for tonights build so that if a connection is made to the 2DS and subsequently lost (that's what the acknowledgement timeout means) it'll show the error in the message area and try again in 30 seconds instead. However if the app starts and the connect fails right away it'll pop up the dialog.

I suspect that yellow indicators are due to the connection problems - the app gets the 2DS (really it's the DSC panel) to send zone status messages when it connects. These make it look like the zones have been recently open. They go away when the DumpZoneTimers event is received and handled, but if something delays that event (like the connection being lost) the zone status will remain "opened". I'm reluctant to change this as I prefer to follow how the panel reacts. If you get the strange yellows and no error in the message line let me know and I'll try again to recreate it.

You might have I took your suggestion for two sizes of widgets. Both work for any zone numbers (as you can see) but the LEDs get resized to fit.

I was torn between the widget indicators matching the list inside the app vs matching zone numbers as defined by the panel (since there's no labels), so I've left it as is while I consider it. Undefined zones will show disconnected and disabled zones should still show green - which explains one bit of strangeness at least :).

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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by hypnosis4u2nv »

Your app has great potential and I'm willing to test and give feedback to make it better..
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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by hypnosis4u2nv »

Still getting the java socket error..
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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by mikep »

I've had a close look at this, and best I can tell it happens in the following situations:
1) The envisalink card is not available on the network
2) The card is already connected to something else (or this app on another phone/tablet), the message is "Connection Refused"
3) The phone is not (yet?) connected to the network (unless always on, the phone reconnects to wifi when it's woken up).
4) A temporary network interruption

Did I get the right list, am I missing any situations?

For 1 I can only report it (like with that dialog).

For 2, the other app as to be stopped, or the envisalink card restarted (envisalink http address, network page). My app will shut down the connection gracefully if given a chance, but if the phone is put to sleep with the app or the widget running the envisalink may think it's still connected. There's no way for me to force the connection.

For 3, if you wait till for the wireless indicator to go active on the phone before starting the app you should connect without error. The widget (and the underlying service) will connect automatically when it sees the wireless go active. Showing error (rather than waiting for the wifi connection) is needed for a upcoming feature that will allow secure connections over the phone network.

For 4, the widget and app will attempt to reconnect periodically, with a visual indicator rather than an error dialog showing there's no connection.

If you chose "Retry" once the wireless indicator goes active you should be g2g. Use "Stop" if there's a configuration error to fix.

Showing the error dialog only the first time seems to help make it more usable. Perhaps a button on the dialog to launch the browser to the envisalink internal web page for situation 2?

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Re: Envisalink 2DS and Android Phone App?

Post by sledbc »

pardon my ignorance, but I have this all set up, how would i use this app to arm or disarm partition 2?
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