General Help

Information and support for EnvisaLink modules.

Moderators: EyezOnRich, GrandWizard

Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:51 pm

Re: General Help

Post by dmacaskill »

That worked, thanks for the quick turnaround.

I tried to upload an image under the "my pictures" but the webapp does not prompt for a location to upload from and I just get a blank page. Is this an issue? Thanks.
Posts: 134
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:53 am

Re: General Help

Post by EyezOnRich »

Could be. What browser are you using?
Posts: 134
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:53 am

Re: General Help

Post by EyezOnRich »

There was a small bug. :?

Should work now. Let me know if you are still having any problems.
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:51 pm

Re: General Help

Post by dmacaskill »

Hi, I have a newbie question. What does the *9 ARM, PGM and Toggle PGM and Send Rest (#) do and how do I use them? I only use Arm/Disarm, ARM AWAY and ARM STAY.

Another feature I find very usefull is the Zone Activity. The only problem is that is does not keep the history very long. Ie: I find it usefull to know when kids get home the night before. I can capture this when they enter through a garage door but by the time the next time comes around, the zone activity is gone. I don't know how long this is currently kept but can this be kept longer?

Posts: 134
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:53 am

Re: General Help

Post by EyezOnRich »

Most people only use Arm/Disarm, ARM AWAY and ARM STAY.

*9 Arming is "Arm with no entry delay". could be used if you are at home and not expecting anyone. If the door opens the alarm with go off right away.

PGM's are programmable outputs (basically just a general output on the panel that you can toggle on and off). They can be used for all kinds of things. Some people use them turn on light light controllers, close garage door contacts etc. You would have to look at the manual for your specific panel.

Reset (#). Just sends a # key to the panel. It is really there for future use, in case we decide to support sending user defined key string combinations to the panel. If you happened to get out of sync with a bad combination you could # out and get back to a top menu. Right now it isn't being used.

We've had a few request for longer zone activity countdowns and are looking at the best way to add that.
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