Firing Output via envisalink 3

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Firing Output via envisalink 3

Post by calvin_baank »

Dear all,

i have a vista 20p and would like to use output 18 to activate my garage door.
How can i do this?

i know program output 18, make an output template and assigning that to the keypad PGM key?

please help me. also how to use that PGM key in the eyez on portal.

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Re: Firing Output via envisalink 3

Post by smyers119 »

From what I understand, The PGM is for dsc alarm systems only. As far as your other question you should try an Vista alarm system forum.
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Re: Firing Output via envisalink 3

Post by GrandWizard »

calvin_baank wrote:Dear all,

iplease help me. also how to use that PGM key in the eyez on portal.

You shouldn't see this option if you have your account configured as a Honeywell system.
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Re: Firing Output via envisalink 3

Post by smyers119 »

I think he might be talking about the local webserver, as i believe it is still shown on there.
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Re: Firing Output via envisalink 3

Post by calvin_baank »

I just need to know how to trigger output 17 or 18 through the command on the web portal.

i know how to program the alarm and a function key.
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Re: Firing Output via envisalink 3

Post by dcuste »

I used the *79 Menu Mode to set up devices to activate X-10 and other relays including the on-board relays 17 and 18. I trigger them through EVL3 by selecting COMMANDS then selecting CUSTOM then typing in XXXX#7YY where XXXX is my pin number and YY is the device output number 17 for trigger 1 and 18 for trigger 2.

I just tried sending this CUSTOM COMMAND to device 17 (trigger 1) just to test it and it closed and then immediately reopened. I was expecting it to stay closed until I sent a XXXX#817. This may be because I programed the zone that triggers my device 17 as a zone type 90 and I have *182 set as an auto restore. When I send XXXX#7YY, my any of my X10 devices or device 18 (trigger2), they close and stay closed as expected. This info my be useful to you for your garage door operator.
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Re: Firing Output via envisalink 3

Post by calvin_baank »

Piece below copied from internet:

You want the sequence “Code + # + 7 + Device Number” to toggle the condition of the garge door, correct?  You require a momentary activation of the relay not necessarily exactly 2 seconds, correct?

I can’t determine the specifics of your garage door opener, but if your garage door will open when your relay is activated and close when your relay is activated a second time, perhaps the following will work. I’ll assume the door starts moving at the leading edge of the 2 second “on” event you have been using.  At a minimum, the solution below will give you some ideas.

You will need a sensor on the garage door of a zone type that faults when the door opens and restores when the door closes (e.g. Zone Type 01).

Put the sensor on one of the general purpose zone lists. For this example let’s say Zone List 1.  Also for this example lets say your device number is the on-board trigger Output 17.

Use the keypad sequence “Code + # + 7 + 17” to activate the relay for the garage door.  As you have noted the relay will stay latched closed when you use that sequence and no programs are invoked to give the momentary output you are looking for.  I think you can use a sensor on the door to provide the “off” that you would usually use the # 8 sequence for.

Assuming you want the relay to activate only long enough for the garage door to start moving,  use the following two output programs to turn off the relay after your key sequence has activated it. The first deactivates the relay when the door goes from shut to slightly open (the sensor is faulted) and the second deactivates the relay when the door goes from open to completely shut (the sensor is restored).

*80 Output Function 1
Activated By 1 Zone List
Zone List 1
Event 2 (fault)
Output Action 0 (off)
Output Number 17

*80 Output Function 2
Activated By Zone List
Zone List 1
Event 0 (restore)
Output Action 0 (off)
Output Number 17

*80 output function 3
Activated by zone type
Zone type
Partition 1 or all(0)
Output action 2 close for 2 seconds
Output number 17

*57 function key programming
Key D
Option 07 change dev state/activate output

By doing above the function key d will oprn door and activate relay for 2 seconds with *80 option 3.
By doing code+#718 the door will open with door sensor is in fault the relay output will be de activate by *80 option 1.
When door is open and you do code+#717 the door will close relay active till the door sensor is restored and then the relay will be deactivated with option *80 option 2

Quesyion now is can eyez on make buttons in the portal that are user progammable. Eg
Button name: garage door 1 code: pin+717
Button name: gate front code pin+718

Ect grandwizard?
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