Feature request

Information and support for EnvisaLink modules.

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Feature request

Post by Ian »

Hi,I recently bought a IP100D and was getting used to it and noticed when you send a mobile link to your phone it does not require a password to use the link and log in. I realize you can't disarm the alarm without a code but it would be nice to use a password so when children are using the iPhone to play games they can't monkey around with the system. It has already happened. I am going to use the pgm outputs for automation and this could be bad, eg turning on the sprinkler system when the wife is in the garden :) also on that note will the IP100d support the dsc pgm expansion board. Dsc part#pc5208
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Re: Feature request

Post by GrandWizard »

Hi there, the mobile version of the portal is a compromise between security and convenience. The reason that the mobile version was even created was because customers did not want login to the portal when on their smartphones.

You can always use the regular portal on your iPhone if you'd prefer a sessioned interface.

As for the PGM expansion board, I will put this to the hardware team for their response. I know that we support PGM 1-4 but I'm not sure about more.

Thanks for your input

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Re: Feature request

Post by plot »

i have Alexor wireless system ( panel 9155+ communicator 265GS) i would like to use IP170D+your software, but i'm not sure if i can install IP170D in Akexor box. the question is - if i can use IP170 - that's great; if not, then can I expand 9155 by adding some panel box to it and install integrator module there
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Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:08 pm

Re: Feature request

Post by GrandWizard »

The IP170D does not work with the low-end Alexor system from DSC. You need to use the POWER series products like the 1832, 1616, 1864 etc.

We may offer an Alexor version in the future but it will be limited in features compared to the POWER products. This has nothing to do with our technology, it is a limitation on the DSC product.
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