Questions regarding EVL-3

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Questions regarding EVL-3

Post by rdx »

Hi, everyone, I am new to the forum and EVL-3. Recently installed the unit and have some questions. Thanks in advance for any help.

1) I see 8 zones from the remote access app homepage but I have 13 zones with my alarm system. How do I add additional zones to the app control page ?

2) Every time when I arm/disarm the system, I get two text messages: One says "Security Event: Home Arm Mode" and other one says "Security Event: Special Closing" . Why am I getting two notifications for one action?

3) The message say it is Partition:1, what does it mean?
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Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:36 pm

Re: Questions regarding EVL-3

Post by brandonlive »

1) I believe the web portal guesses how many zones you have based on what zones it sees tripped, and updates the grid accordingly. If you try tripping zone 13 (or any zone in 9-13), will that cause the web portal to update the zone dashboard?

2) The panel simply reports arming that way (with separate event transmissions). Your EVL-3 is just a messenger and so dutifully passes them on. Maybe others know more than I do, but I don't think there is a way to change that.

3) Security systems usually have a multiple partition feature, which basically lets you basically create multiple security systems using one panel. This isn't relevant to most home users, who just use 1 partition. It sounds like that includes you, so the partition number is really just redundant and can be ignored. In the contacts settings, you can choose to have it left off SMS alerts.
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