Arming Multiple Partitions, and another question.

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Arming Multiple Partitions, and another question.

Post by ol'deenski »

Hey all,
Quick question, I have set up a dsc 1832 with two partitions, one for doors and windows, one just for motions, does the same thing as stay/away (reasoning unnecessary) . Anyway my question is this: is there a way to arm both partitions at once? I know the Master Code is supposed to do this, but for some reason it is only arming partition 1, I even set up another code and modified it to arm both partitions, but it will only arm partition 1 as well.

Any thoughts?

Next question, Is there a way, without enabling messaging on zone followers, to be able to see the multiple events throughout the day on a specific zone? For example, when the front door opens and closes it overwrites the last time the door was opened/closed.

For instance it would be really cool if you could enable zone followers, but not enable notifications of zone followers, and be able to see all of the zone's events throughout the day, but without receiving 1000 text messages.
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Re: Arming Multiple Partitions, and another question.

Post by djrobinsadsc »

Hi there,

Depending on the Version of PC1832 as well as Keypads ... a Global Arm / Disarm Feature is available via the Keypads, you sound like you should be using 1 partition in the way described below:

What you need to look at is changing the Zone types, Perimeter zones make them 03 Instant, Living areas 05 Stay and bedrooms 37 Night,

You can arm in stay mode which activates all zones except 05 and 37 types
Once you go to bed you press a single function key and switch to Night mode .... No need for Multiple Partitions ..... away would obviously arm all ...
DSC Distribution and Tech support specialist in SA
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Re: Arming Multiple Partitions, and another question.

Post by ol'deenski »

I understand that I don't need multiple partitions, however when it comes down to having 32 zones and about 24 of them are individual windows that I like to leave open during the summer I find arming separate partitions to be much easier than manually bypassing each zone. I also know that there is a bypass recall function, and that works just as well.

Really I was just testing the parameters of the envisalink module, and it seems like arming multiple partitions simultaneously via the envisalink site is a no go.
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Re: Arming Multiple Partitions, and another question.

Post by djrobinsadsc »

Hi again,

Partitions are just so long winded to operate as the powerseries is designed for ease of use .....

Your windows can programmed many different ways so you wouldn't need to bypass individually

1. Stay zones - All stay zones are bypassed when you select the stay function 1 touch key.

2. Forced arm - attribute which allows the system to arm with zones open - the zones become active again when it is set / closed.

Create a group bypass by selecting zones and saving them as a group - ie: keypress ( * 1 01, 02, 03, 05,10, 91#

so Z 1,2,3,5 and 10 are bypassed and the group saved by storing it with 91#

To recall this group you programme a function key or simply press *1 91#

The options are really there for removing the use of the partitions ......

Not sure the keypads you have but the std keys 1-5 are the same as the separate 5 Keys on the right and are able to customised

Remember you can send a short string of key presses from the webportal but always remember to add 2 - 3 # keypresses at the end to ensure if the data gets lost or missed the system will be reset back the standby mode quickly

DSC Distribution and Tech support specialist in SA
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