Quick question and advice (dsc v. vista and local control)

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Quick question and advice (dsc v. vista and local control)

Post by 1krr »

Was hoping I could ask a couple of quick questions about my next home security build. We've built a new house and I'm adding an alarm to my home security/automation compliment. I've installed a couple stand alone Vista 20p systems in the past and while it's been a few years, I'm not to worried about building a setup. What is primary for me is the ability to control the system externally so I can integrate it with a LinuxMCE build. It seems like DSC alarms have received a good amount of focus from the open-source community. Even EnvisaLink appears to have focused on the DSC systems first. Please forgive if these seem basic but I've read more forums and blogs about the latest trends/opinions in the diy alarm world and I just need some advise to kick me over the edge one way or the other. ;) So my questions are:

1. Can the envisalink provide me the ability to gain local access control of my system?
-Local access if the most important feature. I understand the TPI will allow me to send commands to the envisalink locally to control the system. I can write the UI and backend code to control it; I just need that api published. In my reading, it seems like this is available but want to make sure.

2. From an Envisalink perspective, is there any reason to consider a Vista 20p over a DSC 1864 panel?
-Despite having some comfort with the Vista panels, neither seem terribly difficult to setup. Just muddling through the documents and taking the time to understand/do it right.
-Curious if the DSC panel is more feature rich than the older tech Vista panel.

I do appreciate the time and advice!
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Re: Quick question and advice (dsc v. vista and local contro

Post by ol'deenski »

What features are you looking for?

And yes you can control your envisalink module locally ( I assume you mean within your LAN ) via the mobile link.

Being an alarm tech, and owning my own alarm company, I only install DSC for my clients. It used to be because that was what I was most familiar with, DSC is what I learned on... However over the years I have installed, serviced, taken-over, every other alarm system out there. Out of all of the options, the Vista series and DSC PowerSeries panels are the best options out there for a basic alarm system. But both panels fall short of the HAI Omni Pro 2, which is what you should go with if you are looking for the most badass (and most expensive) alarm/home automation system. As far as DIY'ing the Omni Pro... it would be a long process, but if you are technically capable, shouldn't be a big deal. If you want it up and running, hire a real pro, don't call ADT under any circumstances as almost no one there is what I would call a "real" alarm professional.
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Re: Quick question and advice (dsc v. vista and local contro

Post by 1krr »

Thanks ol'deenski, I appreciate you taking the time to reply! Knowledge and experience from the pros is invaluable! It seemed like for good quality system in this range, it was kind of a Ford vs Chevy thing for Ademco and DSC and the Mopar types favored GE. The more a read, the more I come to the realization that I probably wouldn't go too wrong with either. After overanalysing it for a few days, about a day or so after I posted this, I went ahead and got an 1864 panel, a few disappearing contacts, and an Envisalink 3.

My primary goal for this build is to tinker. I've got some plans/ideas that require an alarm panel and integration with other systems. Got some small robots I want to integrate along with the typical home automation projects.
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Re: Quick question and advice (dsc v. vista and local contro

Post by 1krr »

Well I got it installed, configured a few zones and did some testing. Gotta say the DSC panel was much easier to program than I remember the Vista panel. And the wireless quick enrollment was great! I did stay up a little later than I should have playing with the Envisalink as well. Love it. Sending ascii representations of hex and the checksum calculation took a couple times to get used to but a quick script make short work of the required brain power (which I lack more and more every day). If I have only one (very very minor) critque it would be to ask that the embedded web controller have more of the functionality the eyezon hosted web portal has. While the primary goal is to integrate the panel into a larger automation system, the portal screenshotted on the Envisalink primer page looks nice and would definately help out the wife acceptance factor for early adoption of yet another 'project'. :mrgreen:

That said, I couldnt be happier with the Envisalink. A lot of functions have been exposed and I give HUGE compliments to Eyez-On for making the TPI available for developers rather than just closing it off to only the portal. The TPI doc is straight forward and easy to use. I love having cli access to my panel. This should make integration even more straight forward. Browsing the forum, I see folks have already offered up a number of scripts to help people get started and that's great. So I guess I'll close this thread out by saying bravo guys and thanks to ol'deenski for offering up some advice!
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Re: Quick question and advice (dsc v. vista and local contro

Post by GrandWizard »

The Envisalink 3 and Envisalink 2DS are almost out of FLASH which means there cannot be any more features added to the local webserver without removing other features (which isn't going to happen). We've been told by the developers that when the device runs out of code space, it will be the local web-interface that will be the first to go as it is redundant. FYI.

I'm glad you like the Envisalink!
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Re: Quick question and advice (dsc v. vista and local contro

Post by 1krr »

I figured it was space on the silicon. To be honest, as cheap/powerful as the components are getting, I would be willing to pay a little more for some greater capacity on board for a larger embedded web portal. Or perhaps using current hardware/code, offer a software suite for local installs? You already have the majority of the code in your website (assuming your server side code is just php, java, something realitively portable)? You could compile it, package it and sell it for say an additional $10-20 bucks as a download and have a nice offering in a price range most wouldn't blink at as a value add. Your commercial customers then could offer to install/configure it as a local application to their customers who are already probably famaliar with using similar applications with their printers, wireless access points, internet connected toasters and God only knows what else. All this would just hook tpi and that is already there. Thinking about it, I like that better because it doesn't require a hardware redesign for a different processor/flash and you can just change the firmware to eliminate the local web portal and reclaim that realestate. Anyway, just a rambling thought. ;)

Thanks for the reply!
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