Partition:BUSY label

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Partition:BUSY label

Post by Tbraf »

I have a self installed system with the help of an DSC installer. Everything is working great but there is a Partition#:BUSY. listed for a three of my partitions on the porthole.
I have 3 control stations. 1: is locked to partition 1 and 2 are global.

I know there must be something that I have connected or programmed wrong. I have the :

PC1832 v4.2

Using the DLS IV software there is no reported trouble?

Thank you in advance for the help.
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Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:08 pm

Re: Partition:BUSY label

Post by GrandWizard »

Hi, the partition label "BUSY" means that another keypad has the attention of the panel. For example, if you go into user code programming (*5), the partition will show as busy. Also, if you left the system in installer's mode, the partition will also show busy (and will never time out BTW).

If you email your MAC and details to, then we can better tell you what is going on.
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