Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command.

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Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command.

Post by rustyk »

I have a DCS Power1832 alarm control panel and the keypad is a RFK5501ENG LCD keypad, and I have the Envisalink 2DS.

I can use my Envisalink API to arm, disarm, set the time, see the zones change, and so on. All the commands so far work except for one:

On the keypad, there is a "fire", "medical", and "police" button. If I hold down the "police" key on the keypad for two seconds, then the alarm sounds. I set this up like this by going into the DSC control panel, entering *8[installer-code]015, then turning option 2 on. (which enables the panic button).

However, when I try to make the alarm sound by sending the command 0601, 0602, or 0603 through the Envisalink API, the alarm does not sound. I do get the "command acknowledged" response from the Envislink (500060), but nothing else happens.

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by smyers119 »

I think you are confusing TPI and API...but I might be wrong.
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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by rustyk »

Yes actually I do mean TPI, sorry, wrong acronym. I'm using the Envisalink TPI, but when I send the command to sound the fire, medical, or panic alarms (060) it does not work. All the other commands work fine except for that one.
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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by GrandWizard »

What version of firmware do you have. That was a known bug fixed in 1.09.111
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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by rustyk »

Ah that's probably the problem, I have firmware version: 01.07.88

I can't seem to find instructions for upgrading my firmware though, can you point me to it?

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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by GrandWizard »

Firmware updates are automatic for subscribers. If you're not getting updates then either your module is experiencing network issues, or maybe you have it firewalled.

If you feel everything is in order, email support with your MAC address and we can look at your account.
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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by rustyk »

Ok, I'm not a subscriber. I will connect it up today and get the upgrade and report back.
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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by rustyk »

That did the trick. I got upgraded to firmware version 01.09.111, and now I can set off the panic alarm with the TPI command 060, no problem.

Thanks so much for the help!
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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by eastnwest88 »


I am looking for the exact syntax to remotely activate the Panic alarm i.e from the eyezon command sequence box
I know it is 0603 but the chksum has to be put in What is the chksum value ?
I have a dsc 1864 board

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Can't make the panic alarm go off with the panic command

Post by eastnwest88 »

I have entered 06039 in the command sequence box and I hit return
The command goes into the queue as

Custom Sequence - 06039 - Partition 1

but nothing happens
Please let me know what I am doing wromg

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