Firmware update - EYEZ-ON Website

Information and support for EnvisaLink modules.

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Firmware update - EYEZ-ON Website

Post by raynaldg »

I have some questions about firmware and communication management with Envisalink 2DS

1. Can I control the firmware update and if yes, how ?
- I don't see how I can do it through Envisalink local access or EYEZ-ON web site...

2. Is it possible to have access to your beta version firmware ?
- The 2DS integration to my VeraLite could not be fully functional without it...

3. The access to EYEZ-ON web site is secure (https). However, can you tell me if the communication is done in a secure shell between your website and the 2DS module ? which protocol and port are used for the communication ?

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Re: Firmware update - EYEZ-ON Website

Post by GrandWizard »

Hi, here are some answers.

1. Right now firmware is "pushed" to all the envisalinks when it becomes available. You don't need to do anything.

2. Sure, just email your BETA request to I think they are still taking testers.

3. Communications between the alerting servers and the envisalinks use a proprietary protocol that is secured with 128bit AES encryption. Envisalinks initiate all communications (to avoid the requirement of port forwarding) and talk to the servers on the port range of 4020-4025.
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