ATTENTION: New Feature for DSC users

Information and support for EnvisaLink modules.

Moderators: EyezOnRich, GrandWizard

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ATTENTION: New Feature for DSC users

Post by GrandWizard »

DSC panels issue two alerts upon closing/arming. The first tells you who armed the system, and the second tells you which mode it is armed in. An example would be:

EyezOn Alert: Closing by User Peter
EyezOn Alert: Closing in Home Mode

Some users don't want the second message for various reasons so we have made the second message a different class of alert that you can select separately. This is now an opt-in alert.

To get the arming mode sent as well as the user you now have to select "Append Arming Mode" in your contacts menu for each contact.

This now gives customers the option.
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Re: ATTENTION: New Feature for DSC users

Post by Zonker »

And Moses parted the sea!!! Finally a single arm/disarm text message!

Well done folks
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Re: ATTENTION: New Feature for DSC users

Post by jcwren »

Not seeing this option. Image attached.
Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 13.10.42.png
Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 13.10.42.png (104.4 KiB) Viewed 10865 times
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Re: ATTENTION: New Feature for DSC users

Post by zedder »

Just wondering if it's possible for a future upgrade (or maybe it's possible in the current version and I just don't know how to set it up), to have both the 'user' and 'mode' sent in 1 text and 1 email, instead of receiving 1 text with the 'user' and a 2nd text with the 'mode' (stay or away) 1 second later?

Can this be combined into 1 text and 1 email, something possibly like this:

Security Event: Closing by User Code 40, Home Arm Mode
Location: Home
Time: 2015-12-19 07:58:15
Partition: 1

Sorry if this has been asked or requested previously.

Posts: 2303
Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:08 pm

Re: ATTENTION: New Feature for DSC users

Post by GrandWizard »

No, these are generated by the panel, not the Envisalink.
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