Anyone using "allSecure"?

Information and support for EnvisaLink modules.

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Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by rwsj24601 »

I'm a little disappointed with how the allSecure app works. I would have thought that Eyezon would have created their own app and provided connectivity from the app to my online account. However, it appears that one must have the app connect directly to the module requiring port forwarding and other annoyances. I am off base here and doing something wrong?
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by GrandWizard »

It sounds like you didn't read the manual.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by Cobra »

Most apps are designed not to use the eyez-on service, so they connect direct to your system.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by rwsj24601 »

Grandwizard, this is my second post and second response from you that seems more like you are trying to be a smart alec and less to be helpful.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by GrandWizard »

rwsj24601 wrote:Grandwizard, this is my second post and second response from you that seems more like you are trying to be a smart alec and less to be helpful.
No, I am serious. It sounds like your didn't read the manual. If you read the rules about posting it is required that you read the manual before asking a question that is explained in the manual.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by rwsj24601 »

Ok, well, first of all I have read the primer and the manual. My module is installed and fully working. What would make me thing, however, that there would be a manual for the allSecure app on this site? My question was simply asking if there was anyone using the application. Period full stop. Point out where in the Primer it tells me that.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by GrandWizard »

rwsj24601 wrote:... I would have thought that Eyezon would have created their own app and provided connectivity from the app to my online account...

There is, it is called the Mobile Portal and its installation is explained in the Envisalink Primer.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by rwsj24601 »

yes, I understand that and I am using that. However, I don't like it. It's NOT an app and doesn't work like an app. I was just curious if anyone is using allSecure.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by GrandWizard »

Yes it is an app and yes it does behave like an app. Are you sure you are looking in the correct place?

The only difference between our web-app and something you buy on iTunes is the cost and the delivery method. We don't put a Safari wrapper around our app as we don't want to deal with Apple's onerous submission requirements.
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Re: Anyone using "allSecure"?

Post by rwsj24601 »

Ok, yes I am using the mobile link as it was intended. I get that while I'm in it, it looks like an app, but it doesn't have it's own icon. I have to go through the web browser and choose it from favorites and when there are messages you don't get a numeral superimposed on the icon. It's just not the same. Again, all I'm looking for here is if anyone other than myself is using allSecure. I'm going to now guess "no" and you are more than welcome to close this thread.
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