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Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:51 am
by jamante

Clarification much appreciated.

I can go ahead with an EVL3 though I am tempted to wait until the end of September to see if the 4 is available.

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:43 am
by Pestus
It won't be long I think before 10BaseT is dropped entirely by router and switch makers. You saying Envisacor has this thing linking at 10Mbps, and not 100? That's a really odd design choice.

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:42 am
by GrandWizard
No, the Envisalink 4 is a 100BaseT device, not a 10BaseT.

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:57 pm
by jac1987
thanks for the clarification on my question, I can confirm on my router works just fine Linksys e3200 with tomato router.

Is a good thing it worked, I never read that on the specs when deciding to buy the envi 3

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:14 pm
by Pestus
jac1987 wrote:Is a good thing it worked, I never read that on the specs when deciding to buy the envi 3
That was what I was trying to say. I've put 93 of these in service already. I hope that I don't need to start stocking old switches just to keep them relevant in future years.. Also complicates the UPS systems I put in by a little bit.

Oh well. Things change so amazingly fast. One of the old rules of my bizz was anything you put in has to last at least 10 years. That's still mostly true, except for telecommunications, which likes to upend itself overnight all the time.

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:19 pm
by bobk
Can any information be shared on the upcoming GSM backup module?


Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:41 am
by strangely
Didn't see these answered specifically:

- Is It a yes or no on Zone label support in the TPI?
- Also how about the DSC NEO support?
- Is the EVL-4 supported yet by eyez-on monitoring? They seem to be on sale now.

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:15 pm
by brientim
strangely wrote:Didn't see these answered specifically:

- Is It a yes or no on Zone label support in the TPI?
- Also how about the DSC NEO support?
- Is the EVL-4 supported yet by eyez-on monitoring? They seem to be on sale now.

@K-man or Grandwizard is would be great to see answers to @strangley's questions; especially as the EVL4 is now being sold at a few places online.

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:32 pm
by K-Man
Zone Label Broadcast Dump: That is so far down on the to-do list it gives me vertigo just thinking about it.

NEO Support: The DSC NEO has a completely different physical interface so there is no chance of it being supported on this platform. While we're still considering supporting this panel in the future, right now the numbers just don't justify the effort.

Monitoring: I would assume that eyezon will monitor it. Seeing that we stopped making Envisalink 3s a while ago it would be prudent.

The Envisalink 4 is a ground-up hardware redesign of the Envisalink 3. It certainly gives the firmware team more headroom to add features in the future but as it stands, there are few SW differences between the two products.

Re: Envisalink 4 spotted at ISC West

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:57 pm
by strangely
K-Man wrote:Zone Label Broadcast Dump: That is so far down on the to-do list it gives me vertigo just thinking about it.
Shame, this would be the only compelling feature that I wouldve been interested in (except maybe the unfinalized celluar backup) without any other information about upcoming features being available.