Telus SMS throttling (blocking) Eyezon Alerts

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Re: Telus SMS throttling (blocking) Eyezon Alerts

Post by Belkbuzze »

@Rake1 if it's of any help for you, my SMS today were received 15 minutes late from Telus.
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Re: Telus SMS throttling (blocking) Eyezon Alerts

Post by GrandWizard »

Hey, sorry for being silent on this folks, I was on vacay.

First I would like to thank Rake1 for working directly with me and my boss on this. In the end I was told we needed some more "executive" fire-power to get us over the wall. If there were other Telus employees that helped please accept our thanks as well.

So while Rake1 got the absolute block of our servers removed last week, the throttling of messages continued. I understand there were conversations over the weekend between our managers and Telus executive account reps that culminated in Telus removing retstrictions on our messages yesterday.

It's been almost 24 hours now and no throttling has happened so I think the fix is permanent.

Once again, thanks to all who played a role in getting this fixed.

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