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Re: 3rd Party Local API - Beta Testers/Contributers Wanted

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:59 pm
by noone
So I just realized that the authentication is not private x.509 authentication which is what I was hoping for, so it looks like this will only work on a local LAN, since you can't really open this up to the internet.

Any plans to add private x.509 authentication in DonnyK?

Re: 3rd Party Local API - Beta Testers/Contributers Wanted

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:58 pm
by skywise
The odds are low anyone is still around on this thread but can't hurt to try. :)

Anyone still around? I just received my EVL3 and am looking to integrate it with my HA system and get push notifications on my iPhone.

Or, has anyone come across a daemon/app combo for the iPhone?

Re: 3rd Party Local API - Beta Testers/Contributers Wanted

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:21 am
by Cobra
Hi skywise,

Just curious, what kind of HA system are you working with?

I've released a iPhone app, but it does not yet support a deamon style connection for higher security. I'd like to add that though. I sent some mail to mikep who posted earlier in this thread to see if there is an option to add an iPhone client that would work with his DSCServer offerings.

Re: 3rd Party Local API - Beta Testers/Contributers Wanted

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:40 pm
by milliner
I just got one of these EVL3 devices so be able to network access my security system. I'd like to integrate it into something local like OpenHAB, so an API to use would be perfect. I really have no interest in integrating it into an external cloud service.