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15 min delay in receiving alert emails

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:30 am
by erkme73
I'm new to this technology, so forgive me if this should be known - but I'm finding very inconsistent alert notification times when there is a change to my alarm system.

Initially, I was receiving email notifications within 3-5 seconds after arming/disarming. Now, it's taking upwards of 15 minutes.

I have been using NextAlarm's monitoring service with the DCS1555MX and their ABN module. When there is an event, the 1555 dials NextAlarm through the ABN, and NextAlarm sends me an email with the status change. The entire process takes about 90 seconds from the moment the event is triggered. I have not yet canceled NextAlarm (they're only $5/mo for their basic, non-dispatch service) - as I'm waiting to get comfortable with the ESP portal and the IP100D.

The initial 5 second notification times were impressive - and I almost dropped NextAlarm the same day. But now, I'm getting the NextAlarm notifications 15 minutes before the Eyez-on alert.

Both NextAlarm and the EZ ESP use my same network/ISP to get to the internet, so I'm pretty sure the problem is not with my LAN or ISP. Further, I'm using an Android application (DSC Alarm Monitor) that lets me log in directly to the IP100D (via WAN or LAN) and see real-time sensor status and arm status (updated every 3 seconds). If I click "ARM" on the application, the 1555 control panel beeps before I can get my finger off the phone's screen - it's instant.

So, I'm confident the IP100D board is working as it should.

Lastly, all email event sent from NextAlarm and the EZ ESP go to the same email address - which is forwarded to my Gmail account. Gmail uses push technology, so there is < 2 seconds delay between the email leaving a senders outbox, and my phone alerting me to new mail.

As far as I can tell, the only variable that I cannot verify is the EZ ESP end.

Is extreme fluctuation in notification times common with the ESP server system? If so, that is a pretty significant issue. A 15 minute notification delay would render any 'immediate response' to a burglary alarm all but useless.

Sorry if this comes across as critical or negative - that is not my intent. I only want to learn if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is something I need to do to improve these times.

Thanks -

Re: 15 min delay in receiving alert emails

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:49 pm
by EyezOnRich
It's not ESP. Alert messages go out instantly and the initial very fast response times you were seeing are the typical ones for our system. We will always be much faster than NextAlarm without some intervening problem.

Are you having the e-mail alerts go directly to that Gmail account or are they being redirected first from another provider?

If you like please send an e-mail re-iterating the problem to and we will be happy to work through this with you to resolve the situation.

Re: 15 min delay in receiving alert emails

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:17 pm
by erkme73
Hi Eyez,

No, the alerts are being sent to my godaddy hosted email (forward). The alert being sent by NextAlarm (NA) is sent to the same email address - so both yours and NA's are going through the same forwarding process to my Gmail account.

The fact that it shows up within 90 seconds from NA leads me to believe it's not a Godaddy-to-Gmail forwarding issue - otherwise both would be delayed.

But for grins, I'll change the ESP settings to my gmail account to see if that makes any difference.

FWIW, the alerts are back to their <5 second speed again - without any changes on my end yet.

I'll post back here if it slows down again. Thanks for the quick reply and the offer for support.

Re: 15 min delay in receiving alert emails

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:30 pm
by erkme73
Ugh... I spoke too soon. I think the issue is with the portal updating. I sent a command to ARM STAY from ESP. It took about 30 seconds for the alarm to register the command and execute the arming sequence. 30 seconds later, it was fully armed. However the ESP page still shows "Ready", and the most recent event listed is me disarming from 2 hours ago when I got home this afternoon.

The "command queue" lists about 5 "ARM STAY" and one "ARM NO ENTRY DELAY". My NA account has already notified me that the system armed.

There seems to be something keeping my IP100D from talking with your servers.

Would it be better if I call them?