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EnvisaLink 3 text messaging

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:01 pm
by schwarz633
I recently installed a DSC system with an EnvisaLink 3 and the text messages originate from I have a contact in my Android phone that has this email address assigned. All of the EnvisaLink 3 messages go into a unique text message thread, just like any messages I get from a phone number. The thread stores the most recent 200 messages. This is all good.

My neighbor also has a DSC system with an EnvisaLink 3 and he was showing me how the EnvisaLink 3 text messages on his Iphone originate from what looks like a phone number (but I think it's missing a digit). This number appears to increment with each message. Because of that he can't make a contacts entry that would allow these messages to be in the same thread. I think he said that the number starts repeating after 500 times. He also said that the Iphone also has a feature where you can silence incoming calls and texts except for those in a specific group or favorites. Because he can't make a contact entry for the EnvisaLink 3 he can't include these security messages in that favorites group.

What's he doing wrong?

Re: EnvisaLink 3 text messaging

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:56 am
by GrandWizard
Every mobile phone carrier handles messaging different. So there is nothing wrong, he just uses a different company.

My company, for example, says the message is from 999-999-9999