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Minor portal suggestion (bypass zone input as numeric)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:11 pm
by anzio
Hey there,

Is it possible to make the bypass zone a numeric field in the mobile portal? Unless of course there is a chance of an alphanumeric entry.

It's just a little awkward going from alphanumeric keyboards to the telephone entry keyboard when bypassing a zone on my phone.

Thanks! :)

Re: Minor portal suggestion (bypass zone input as numeric)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:34 am
by GrandWizard
It's supposed to work like that. I will put in a bug report.

Re: Minor portal suggestion (bypass zone input as numeric)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:34 am
by anzio
GrandWizard wrote:It's supposed to work like that. I will put in a bug report.
You're the best. Thanks :)

Re: Minor portal suggestion (bypass zone input as numeric)

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:05 pm
by anzio
GrandWizard wrote:It's supposed to work like that. I will put in a bug report.
Hey there,

Any update on this? I noticed that the mobile portal now has the Max arm in the Arm menu, but this update never made it through.

Additionally, could I suggest sending a * after the bypass command? I'm assuming the Bypass function in the portal basically sends the key presses you'd do at the keypad. With the Honeywell equipment, you can bypass more than 1 zone at a time without re-entering the command.

Since the portal only allows 2 digit zone numbers to be entered, can you send the * after the command? This will make sure the system is ready to take an arm command immediately after. Right now, I need to wait about 30 seconds or so to let the bypass take effect, otherwise my remote arm command gets punched in as more zones.

To visualize (assume my code is 1234, and I want to bypass zone 10. The bypass key is 6):
[1234] [6] [10] - This will bypass successfully, but will wait for additional zones. If I queued up an arm command now, it would also bypass 12, 34, and 61.

[1234] [6] [10] [*] - This will instantly send the bypass command. If I queued up an arm command now, it should arm the system.

Also, when you disarm the system and get rid of the bypasses, it reports that the zone was bypassed again, and not restored like it normally does. "Front Door Bypassed" rather than "Front Door Bypass Restored"