I have tried the DSC Alarm app and believe it is sending HTTP GET commands to the IPD100, hopefully signed with my u/p, but can we please have some documentation as to what all the available commands are?
I'd like to monitor system activity locally with Girder for my home automation and use it to turn on lights, etc, based on sensor information, etc.
Can someone please share how i could do this....don't want to have to use Wireshark if I don't have to...
The "app" you refer to wasn't produced by Eyez-on nor was it produced by the IP100D's manufacturer, Envisacor, so I can't say anything about how it functions. But, it doesn't take much to realise that it simply emulates a web-browser.
So the answer is no, there is no document detailing the web-pages on the IP100D, but wireshark would be a good start
What I can say is that Eyez-on will be releasing a preliminary webservices API for anyone who wants to make their own application that communicates with the ESP. There are some hints on the forum already but we'll try and get the DIY developers something soon.