IP170D doesn't connect to server

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IP170D doesn't connect to server

Post by dlanor64 »


I setup my IP170D yesterday.
I registered my device and contacts.
I can access it from my LAN - no problem there. :)
On my router, I forwarded external port 80 to the IP address of my IP170D

However the status on the IP170 Home page (under envisalert) is always offline.
I clicked on login to account and I do log in and can can see my security device but is inactive (doesn't receive status and sending commands does nothing) :(

I tried accessing the module from the internet (via my blackberry) and I can connect and monitor/control my alarm :)

I'm sure there's some feature in my router (linksys E2000) that I need to turn on or some basic step that I misssed.

IP170D firmware = Firmware Version: 001.000 17 - Wed Jul 06 14:19:19 2011

Hope someone can help. Thanks.

Other info:

Internet IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
MTU: 1500
IP address of IP170D (static via DHCP) :
Port forwarding external-80 >> internal-80 for
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Re: IP170D doesn't connect to server

Post by EyezOnRich »

Sorry to hear you are experiencing these problems. There is no need to do any port forwarding so there must be a different issue specific to your setup.

Your best bet is to send an e-mail with the information you have here to esupport - at - eyez-on.com and we can ask you some more specific questions about your setup.
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Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:41 am

Re: IP170D doesn't connect to server

Post by dlanor64 »

Thanks for your help, it seems to be working now.

Rebooted the router and module a few time while sorting out the wiring and now it works.

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