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Honeywell 128/250BP...Multiple Partitions with EnvisaLink 3?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:15 pm
by northeast
I've been interested in the EnvisaLink 3 for my Honeywell/Ademco 128BP...From what I have read on this forum, the Envisalink 3 can now support all 8 partitions? Is that correct or no? On the EnvisaLink 3 product page, it still does not list the 128/250BP panels as being supported? And even in the new directions where it lists the 128/250BP...It specifically states (MAX 2)...leading me to believe it only properly supports 2 partitions?

So my questions:

1. Can 1 Envisalink 3 support all 8 partitions?
2. Can I see all 8 partitions for free when I log in to my account? Can I see their status and receive alarm text/call alerts for all 8 partitions for free?
3. Can I individually arm and disarm all 8 partitions separately for free?
4. Is there a maximum number of zones it can 'see' or 'bypass' or support or it can see all 250 zones?
5. Can I only arm and disarm in stay and away modes? Or is instant and maximum modes also remotely supported?

Any help or advice would be great. It would be nice if there was a 'sample' or 'test' log-in where you could play around with the online/mobile interface before buying it just to test it out...but I guess there is no way to do that?

Re: Honeywell 128/250BP...Multiple Partitions with EnvisaLin

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:21 pm
by GrandWizard
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. yes
4. Only 64 Zones right now.
5. ALL modes are supported

Just buy it. You'll love it. If you don't, return it.


Re: Honeywell 128/250BP...Multiple Partitions with EnvisaLin

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:07 pm
by northeast
Great thanks.

I do have a number of zones over number 64 though. So what happens to zones 65 and above? I won't receive alarm texts from them? And can't see their status? Is there any plans to support more zones?

Thanks again.

Re: Honeywell 128/250BP...Multiple Partitions with EnvisaLin

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:59 am
by GrandWizard
The Envisalink is a Keypad and an external alarm communicator. Both are independent of each other. Right now the Envisalink will commuincate a Panic zone in the 90s as Fire, Ambulance, and Panc texts, other zones above 64 will just show as zone 64.

As for the Keypad aspect, any zone above zone 64 will not show status, nor can you have a zone follower above 64.

With respect to upcoming changes, the communication of zone alarms above 64 is a server-side improvement so that will be coming in the near future.

As for zone status above 64, that will have to wait until the Envisalink4 is released next year (more memory).

Re: Honeywell 128/250BP...Multiple Partitions with EnvisaLin

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:43 pm
by DaveSin
GrandWizard wrote: ..
As for zone status above 64, that will have to wait until the Envisalink4 is released next year (more memory).
Any hints as to what additional features we can expect from the EnvisaLink 4 (apart from increase memory)? I notice that with the IPdatatel Bat, they have 6 conductors attached to their IP Communicator, which (I think) gives them the ability for virtual Keypad, among other features. Some of the disappointing drawbacks with Ademco Panels is the loss of certain reporting features during Alarm events, when the system is counting down before the system is armed and/or when the System is armed. Will this be addressed with the release of the EnvisaLink 4?

Re: Honeywell 128/250BP...Multiple Partitions with EnvisaLin

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:17 am
by GrandWizard
No not really. It has a more powerful processor, more memory, 100BaseT, greater Honeywell support, and more pretty LEDs. That's all I've heard. And don't look for it soon, because if we haven't seen it in QA then it's not around the corner.

Re: Honeywell 128/250BP...Multiple Partitions with EnvisaLin

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:19 pm
by northeast
Thanks again. So I assume we have no idea at all about when next year it might be releasedl? Do we know like beginning of the year, middle of the year, end of the year? Or just sometime next year?

Also, will the Envisalink 4 be the same price as the 3? Or is a different price expected?
