Can EVL-3 be used to send http command to LAN device?

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Can EVL-3 be used to send http command to LAN device?

Post by erkme73 »

I currently use a VERA controller running a DSC plugin - which monitors the EVL-3 for changes. When a given sensor is tripped, VERA sees it immediately and executes a script (to tell my BlueIris video server to start recording and push-notify me). It works great, with no more than about 2 seconds delay between the sensor tripping and my phone buzzing (with video).

The question is, for others who want the same capabilities, who don't have the VERA home automation/zwave controller, is there a way to have the EVL-3 send an http command any time a specific sensor is tripped?

The http string is a single URL that triggers the BlueIris video server to record a given camera. It seems very Rube Goldberg'ish to have to install a z-wave controller just to get the EVL-3 to communicate with another PC on the network...
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Re: Can EVL-3 be used to send http command to LAN device?

Post by uncle_jeeps79 »

2020 and still no response. I have an EVL4 with vera edge looking to hookup an ip camera and using http triggers to have a short video clip sent to my phone as soon as someone triggers a zone on my dsc alarm panel
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Re: Can EVL-3 be used to send http command to LAN device?

Post by erkme73 »

Eh, it's only been 5 years. They may need more time to research...
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