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Help - Zone trouble at specific time.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:13 pm
by jinc17
Dear all,

I have a persistent zone trouble that I am unable to solve. I am using DSC-1616 and have it auto-disarm at 7am everyday. Each morning (after the auto disarming) when a PIR first detected motion, I will receive the following five notifications.

Security Event: Office PIR Trouble
Time: 2015-12-03 07:40:10

Security Event: Fire Trouble Alarm
Time: 2015-12-03 07:40:10

Security Event: Office PIR Trouble Restore
Time: 2015-12-03 07:40:18

Security Event: Swinger Shutdown
Time: 2015-12-03 07:40:18

Security Event: Fire Trouble Restoral
Time: 2015-12-03 07:40:18

The office PIR is a PIR detector but I do not have any Fire detector. I recently reconfigured two wireless door contact which likely i have accidentally touch something else but I just couldn't figure out what.

I had tried to reconfigure the PIR zone to make sure that the zone definition (03-instant) is correctly set as before.

Any suggestion appreciated.

Re: Help - Zone trouble at specific time.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:35 pm
by Cobra
This isn't really a DSC programming forum, you may be better off asking on one of the DIY security forums.

Having said that, are you doing the DSC system programming yourself? If you are not familiar with the zone setups, it's easy to make unintended changes on a DSC system. Zone configuration in particular sometimes has to be re-entered as you step through the zones for zones you are not changing (if programming from a keypad.) It sounds like maybe you ran in to a problem with making the zone configuration changes?

Re: Help - Zone trouble at specific time.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:54 am
by jinc17
Thanks. Ok I will try at the DSC form.

Yes I did all the entire installation and programming myself and I do understand about the zone definition. It is set to 03 (instant), I had verified this a few times.

The strange thing about this zone is that this is a PIR but when the trouble occurs (when unarmed), i received notification on PIR trouble and also Fire trouble, but this isn't set at a fire alarm zone.

Re: Help - Zone trouble at specific time.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:45 am
by Cobra
Trouble is normally wired to another zone (assuming a hardwire PIR.) So you would need to look at the zone wiring for the PIR zone and the trouble zones that are reporting. Also, zones need to have the proper termination resistors installed when zone wiring is done, otherwise that may cause your trouble indications.

Re: Help - Zone trouble at specific time.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:52 am
by GrandWizard
Check to see if you have wired (or have touching) anything from the PIR wires and the two PGM terminals on the panel. Two-wire smokes are connected to the PGMs and that might cause the fire trouble.