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Vista 20p zone bypass question

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:13 am
by dcuste
I have a smoke detector that started triggering false alarms while I was away. Needless to say, when my alarm company calls out the fire department for these false alarms, they are not happy. The alarm monitoring company is not willing to ignore just one zone and they will only go to a "test" mode for 24 hours. I used the eyez-on to bypass the zone that has the detector but I can't remotely verify that the zone is actually bypassed in the panel. Does anybody know a way I can remotely verify a zone is bypassed? Any other ideas how I can fix this problem from 6,000 miles away without phone service? This is a fire zone, so disarming doesn't prevent false alarms.

Re: Vista 20p zone bypass question

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:23 am
by GrandWizard
If you have ANY zones bypassed on a Honeywell panel you will see the "Bypass Active" tag on the partition header in the regular portal. I don't think it shows on the mobile version due to space limitations.

You could use that to make sure you bypassed the zone.

Re: Vista 20p zone bypass question

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:07 pm
by dcuste
Grand wizard, thanks for the quick reply. I looked at the regular portal status page and see partition red lock symbol and beside it is away armed, but I don't see any header info. I disarmed, bypassed the zone and then armed again, but nothing ever indicated anything bypassed. Where exactly is the partition header?

Re: Vista 20p zone bypass question

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:13 pm
by GrandWizard
On the details page, beside the locks. See attached

Re: Vista 20p zone bypass question

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:05 am
by dcuste
I've tried bypassing the zone multiple times now. I can see the bypass command qued but the header never changes to show bypassed. Is it possible that there are zones types (ie fire) that Vista just doesn't allow to be bypassed?

Re: Vista 20p zone bypass question

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:46 pm
by Flyct
Until you replace the intermittent smoke detector why don't you just delete that zone in the Vista 20p programming.

Just change the zone type for that zone in *56 from [9] fire zone to type [0]. That will ignore the zone completely and if the smoke detector sounds off, your panel will not report to the Central Station.

Once you replace the defective smoke detector just reprogram that zone back to zone type [9] fire zone.

Before programming, it's best to call your central station and put your account in test, just in case.