Suggestion: Watchdog function in 2DS

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Bill D
Posts: 59
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:28 pm

Suggestion: Watchdog function in 2DS

Post by Bill D »

Every 2DS is uniquely situated to serve as a "reboot watchdog" for routers & modems.

My Linksys WRT54G router w/Tomato 1.25 firmware normally runs for many months without needing a reboot, but it seems to have just stopped running and I won't be home for a couple weeks. This dilemma is the source of my suggestion.

It seems like you could offer an in-line AC switch (reed relay, Triac, opto-isolated?) controlled from a signal from the header on the 2DS. Whenever the 2DS loses connection with your server, it would power-cycle the router/modem plugged into the in-line AC switch. You may be able to find an existing in-line AC switch product that only needs a cable to connect to your 2DS header.

Your 2DS has served me well and I may sign up for your monitoring service, but my problem today has reminded me that my current POTS monitoring service doesn't need my router running.
Bill D
Posts: 59
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:28 pm

Re: Suggestion: Watchdog function in 2DS

Post by Bill D »

I'd done some searching and may have found a $99 product that will auto-reboot my modem and router if pings don't respond. It's the "Remote Power Switch" at

If anyone has any other suggestions for this "unattended site auto-reboot" problem, please let me know.
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:32 pm

Re: Suggestion: Watchdog function in 2DS

Post by joako »

Enough memory in the 2DS to program a function to trigger a PGM on loss of communications? I wouldn't use it but that would be an awesome feature. Could also wire that PGM to a zone and have it function similar to "sound siren on TLM trouble while armed" feature already built in.
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Re: Suggestion: Watchdog function in 2DS

Post by GrandWizard »

Joako's suggestion doesn't sound that hard to do. I'll forward this on to envisacor's firmware guys.
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