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Low Temp Alert

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:37 am
by flipper
Is there a way to change the cut-off where the low temp alert is triggered? I understand that there is a sensor in the keypad that triggers the alert. I believe it kicks in at 6 Celsius but I'd like to lower that setting. Is there anything in the Eyezon software that allows me to change the temp that triggers the alert, I can only see settings to raise/lower the actual thermostat. Thanks.

Re: Low Temp Alert

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:58 pm
by uski
From what I know (all public DSC documentation I've read), the "low temperature" sensor in the newer PK/RFK keyboards is fixed. It trips at 43°F (6°C) and restores at 46°F (8°C).

If you need a different temperature, you can get an adjustable mechanical thermostat and wire it to the panel as a 24hr Freeze zone. You can then disable the Audible/Bell attribute in the zone attribute if you don't want the siren to trip when it's freezing. You can also use an electronic thermostat, it will be more precise but you need to power it.

I'd have advised to connect the thermostat to the keypad zone input but in the keypad documentation they say not to use the keypad input as a 24hr zone, not sure if it's because of some regulation (so it should work most of the time 99.9999%) or another technical issue.

While it's not a direct answer to your question, I hope this alternative setup idea helps.

Re: Low Temp Alert

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 10:52 am
by flipper
Thanks for your detailed response uski. I think that's more involved than what I wanted/was prepared to do. Problem is the keypads are at the front/rear doors so it's colder than in the hallway where the thermostat is and low temp keeps triggering when it's really not an issue.

I can live with the low temp alarm triggering but bigger issue is that I can't arm the system when the low temp warning goes off as the alarm goes into "trouble" and I can't bypass the "zone" for the low temp. Do you know of any way to bypass the low temp warning so I can arm the system? My installer can't remember the master code he used so I can't re-program anything. Thanks.