Sensor/Low Battery Zone Number?

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Sensor/Low Battery Zone Number?

Post by jcwren »

Command 849 (Verbose Trouble Status), bit 6 indicates there is a low battery condition in a sensor or zone. Is there any way to actually find out which sensor or zone is reporting the condition via the EVL-3 or EVL-4?

I know that the PK5500 keypad it will display the low battery device when scrolling through the trouble list. I'd like to be able to get this out of the EVL-3. I have 7 WS4939 keyfobs, and when one starts reporting a low battery, it's a bit of a pain to figure out which one is triggering it. As I have most of the alarm system integrated into my home control system, I'd like to add the ability to my HCS to email me the fob ID with the low battery.
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