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Delayed events with 1.07.78

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:12 pm
by kevin
With the new firmware, notifications of doors closing are delayed. For example:

- arm alarm
- open door
- exit
- close door


- open door
- enter
- close door
- disarm alarm

that used to show up as a list of events having the right times in the previous firmwares (I was on the beta track for a while), now show up with the door closings delayed by approx 9-12 minutes. The openings and arm/disarm events show up as expected. When the doors are closed, the alarm panel acknowledges the closings, the beeps and indicators on the keypad are as expected (and at the times expected) -- it's just the notifications from the 2DS that are delayed, and it's only the door closings that I've noticed have the delays. I get no network-supervision fault/restore notifications, and have E:00P:00 (the few times I've looked at it recently).

These delays are shown in the timestamps in both the event list in the mobile app (iPhone) and the event list on the Eyez-On website.

Is the delay intentional? As I'm leaving I like to see that the doors have been closed properly, and it's weird to "see" that the system is armed but the doors aren't closed (the arming exit delay is shorter than the delay for the notification of the doors closing).


Re: Delayed events with 1.07.78

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:36 pm
by GrandWizard
This is called the Zone Follower dead-band and it was increased in the latest release. The dead-band is the time between a zone opening and the earliest time it will be reported as closed. Any transitions within the dead-band are ignored. This is to prevent PIR traffic, and high traffic zones from causing undue network traffic.

Zone followers are being misused and are accounting for 90% of the traffic into our event reporting system. This is an abuse of the feature.

Zone followers were implemented so that people would be alerted if a special zone was opened even if the system was disarmed (i.e. walk-in freezer, gun closet, cookie jar). It was not meant to relay status information about zones, and quite a few people are doing just that.

Zone status is provided in real-time in the zone status grid and on the expanded zone list, you should use those to determine zone status, and when a zone closed. You should not enable zone followers unless you intend to be alerted (email/SMS) to a zone change and have a real need for this.

If you want to log real-time zone openings and closings, you can use the Envisalink TPI (third party interface) to log everything to your own computer.

Thanks for your understanding, we would hate to have to start charging for this feature but 90% of our server traffic is coming from 10% of the customers, these are people who have turned zone-followers on for every zone, regardless if it is a special zone or not. Servers and bandwidth do cost money and we need to keep that under control so we can continue to keep this great service available to our customers at no cost.

Re: Delayed events with 1.07.78

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:23 pm
by kevin
GrandWizard wrote:Zone status is provided in real-time in the zone status grid and on the expanded zone list, you should use those to determine zone status, and when a zone closed. You should not enable zone followers unless you intend to be alerted (email/SMS) to a zone change and have a real need for this.
Feature request:

When I look at the expanded zone list on an iPhone (by pressing the grid of red/black squares) there is a real-time record of the zone status. Since the current time is available from the phone, and the time of the event (e.g. zone opening or closing) is available, can we turn the expanded zone list into a "history" listing, like what we get when we press "events" at the bottom of the screen? A display like this:

8:59 pm door 2 closed
8:58 pm door 2 open
8:57 pm disarm by user 3
7:29 pm arm by user 4
7:29 pm door 1 closed
7:28 pm door 1 open