cmd 616 response changed after latest firmware upgrade (EVL-4 on DSC 1864)

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cmd 616 response changed after latest firmware upgrade (EVL-4 on DSC 1864)

Post by monstergerm »

EVL-4 with fw 1.2.130 on a DSC 1864 system

The latest firmware upgrade seems to have changed how the Envisalink-4 responds to a bypass command in a script.

In the past I was able to request bypass status (cmd 616 response) by sending cmd 0711*1# immediately after receiving cmd 655, 750 or 751 (disarm).

Now, all I receive from the TPI is a cmd 500 acknowledgement but the cmd 616 is never sent by the TPI. I have to delay my bypass request for several seconds to make this work.
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Re: cmd 616 response changed after latest firmware upgrade (EVL-4 on DSC 1864)

Post by K-Man »

You need to have the partition actually READY to issue a bypass command (*1#). So just seeing 655, 750 or 751 may not be enough. Wait for 650 and then issue your *1#.

Why are you looking at bypassed zones after arming anyhow? On DSC systems all bypassed zones are reset after disarming.

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Re: cmd 616 response changed after latest firmware upgrade (EVL-4 on DSC 1864)

Post by monstergerm »

I tried to wait for the ready cmd 650 to issue *1#. But this makes the panel go briefly into non-ready which then causes an infinite loop between ready and non-ready.

The main reason to issue the bypass status request after disarming is to get an "actual" response from the panel about what is bypassed or not. I guess I could assume nothing is bypassed anymore and just clear all bypass states in my script without getting the actual confirmation from the panel.

In any case, the timing or responsiveness must have changed and the panel is not becoming ready as quickly. I delayed the bypass status request by 5 sec and this seems to work.
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Re: cmd 616 response changed after latest firmware upgrade (EVL-4 on DSC 1864)

Post by leffenke »

Hi! Is there any update on this issue?
I have the same problem... EVL-4 with fw 1.2.133 on a DSC 1864 system
As I am reading the developer documentation, Bypassed Zones Bitfield Dump (cmd 616 response) is available on the Envisalink 3 with
firmware revision 1.12.182 and higher.
Does this mean, that EVL-4 is not and will not support this feature?
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