Envisalerts + LTE or full monitored + LTE

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Envisalerts + LTE or full monitored + LTE

Post by dougpark464 »

I'm trying to decide if I should go with:
1) Envisalerts + LTE for self monitoring or
2) Full monitored + LTE

The cost differential is minimal between the two options. Any opinions on which route is best based on your experience? Thanks much.

Also, with full monitored option, can I configure when central monitoring is contacted? For example, if the alarm triggers accidentally and I disarm quickly, will central monitoring trigger?
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Re: Envisalerts + LTE or full monitored + LTE

Post by GrandWizard »

Well, while I do work for Eyezon, I think I can give a somewhat unbiased opinion.

If you didn't already have Envisalerts+ on your account, I would just go with full monitoring. You probably will get all of your money back from your insurance company discount anyhow. To get the full discount you usually have to have both fire and flood detection on your system. Keep that in mind.

If you already subscribe to Envisalerts+, then your cheaper solution is just to add the $4 for LTE.

With regards to your monitoring questions, you can give the station whatever instructions you want but in North America the "standard procedure" for single zone burglary (single "hit" in industry terms) is to call the premise phone number, if no answer then call the list of "keyholders" on file. If no answer, they are to "dispatch" the police. A single zone alarm is almost always a false alarm but a multiple zone alarm is almost certainly an intrusion. So on a "double hit" alarm the procedures differ. The station will call the premise and if no answer, they will simultaneously dispatch the police and start calling your list of keyholders. Any keyholder can cancel the dispatch after that.

For false alarms you won't be contacted and there will be no dispatch. If you set off your siren and then disarm your system, both those signals go to the station but the operator will see that isn't a real alarm and you will not be called. It will just be logged.
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