Newbie Events Messages

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Newbie Events Messages

Post by martipe1 »

I don't understand what happened with the alarm, if somebody can elaborate I will deeply appreciate it:

3. Movement Sensor Alarm Restoral Time 2:52 pm
2. Movement Sensor Alarm Time 2:52 pm
1. Swinger Shutdown Time 2:52 pm

The above messages are from the recent events log, message number one is the top one in the log.

I'm confused because all the events have the same time. What do the messages mean? (Obviously the movement sensor was tripped) Did the siren sound?

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Re: Newbie Events Messages

Post by GrandWizard »

Yes, you had an alarm. Motion detectors (PIRs) trip and restore at the same time so that is why they are concurrent.

"Swinger Shutdown" is an industry term that means your panel was programmed to stop sending extra alarm signals after, in your case, one alarm. The etymology comes from a door, swinging in the wind, that would continually send alarms to the central station.
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Re: Newbie Events Messages

Post by martipe1 »

Thank you very much for your answer.

Is it the standard for a PIR to trip and restore immediately?

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Re: Newbie Events Messages

Post by GrandWizard »

Well, yes. Its not like it's a door which can be open or closed. A PIR senses a motion "event" so the restoral is kind of meaningless, its the same with a glass break sensor.

On many burglary alarm systems the installer can inhibit transmission of restorals to the central station for this very reason. They are meaningless in the context of a PIR zone and take up space on the operator's screen.
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Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:23 am

Re: Newbie Events Messages

Post by martipe1 »

Thank you!!
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