Cannot log in to EVL3 DSC from 3rd party application

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Cannot log in to EVL3 DSC from 3rd party application

Post by MikeAtHome »

I hope I am not violating a forum rule by posting this here, sorry if that is the case!

I have an EVL3 connected to a DSC alarm system that I installed 2015. It works fine and I have now tried to connect it to my home automation system (HA) Domoticz ( I want to use the DSC motion sensors as triggers for lights. The Domoticz community have created a script ( for this purpose, but it has not been updated for the last 5 years.

When I first connected the HA system to the EVL3 card over my local LAN it worked fine, but I realized that I had never updated the EVL3 firmware. So I registred and connected it to eyezon and after a while it started to automtically update the firmware. Very impressive update functionallity! I also realized that I've used the default user and password all this time so I decided to update the password as well.

I don't know which of these action broke it, but after these updates my HA system can no longer login to the EVL3. I have no problem accessing the card from a web browser or from the app. Also, the card communicates with eyezeon.

I've tried to restart/reboot the card and the 3rd party system, as well as reverting to the default password, without being able login.

I understand that this most certainly is not an eyezon / EVL3 issue, but rather a problem with the script I am trying to use. But there is noone maintaing the script any more and I am not a programmer, but if there is somehing very specific in the EVL3 api or login process that has changed over the years maybe I can give it a shot to make it work again. Any other clues to what may have broken it?

Firmware Version: 01.12.205

Thank you! /Mike
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Re: Cannot log in to EVL3 DSC from 3rd party application

Post by GrandWizard »

There is a built-in firewall rule that may not have been in your older firmware that stops TCP connections from outside of the EVL3's subnet if the default password "user" is still in place. Could this be your issue?

Try changing the default password from "user" to something else and don't forget to update the password in your HA script and see if that helps.
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Re: Cannot log in to EVL3 DSC from 3rd party application

Post by MikeAtHome »

@GrandWizard, thank you for your reply and sorry for not responing earlier!

Your information about the updated authentication code and the firewall was interesting. What I did was actually the opposite of what you suggested: I resetted the password in the EVL3 and changed to the default password in the HA script. It started to work right away, and it continuous to work.

I haven't really had the time to start playing around with this issue yet. And there are many things that I could have done wrong initially, for example when I changed from the default password in the web interface of the EVL3 I didn't really assure that it changed. The session between the card and my browser was never resetted so I am not sure if it changed. When it didn't work I tried to change the password again. This might caused the issue. If I manage to figure out what went wrong I will post it here, if someone else run in to the same issue.

Is there a good reason to update to an EVL4 in my use case, would you think?

Thanks again
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Re: Cannot log in to EVL3 DSC from 3rd party application

Post by GrandWizard »

Unless you want to add the LTE backup option (Sidekick), no, I see no reason to upgrade.
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Re: Cannot log in to EVL3 DSC from 3rd party application

Post by MikeAtHome »

GrandWizard wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:53 am Unless you want to add the LTE backup option (Sidekick), no, I see no reason to upgrade.
OK, thank you
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