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Logging in to Envisalink 3 locally

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:39 am
by stkachuck
I recently had a router die and had a friend come out to replace it. He changed the network name and set up the entire family's devices (smartphones, ipads, wireless printers, laptops, etc.) to connect to the new network. Neither of us thought about the Envisalink 3, which apparently stopped working after he left (I didn't realize it for a few days!).

Putting two and two together, I realized it must have been the network name-change that caused it to stop working. I am now unable to connect to the board's network server by typing in "envisalink" at the URL bar; I just get a Google search list of things associated with Envisalink.

Can anyone guide me through "purging" the old network name from my Envisalink 3 board so I log back onto it and point it to my new network? Thanks!

Re: Logging in to Envisalink 3 locally

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:55 pm
by DaveSin
Were you connecting the EnvisaLink 3 wirelessly to your Router using some form of Wireless Bridge? If not, what likely happen was that the IP address of the Envisalink has changed. If we assume that the default IP address of the Router is:

It is possible that the new IP address of the Module has change to a new IP Address. Did you assign a Static IP Address initially to your Module (e.g,

Did the friend use the same LAN Subnet as you had before? Assumming you LAN Subnet was:


Is it the same as before the new Router was installed?

If you access your main router by inputting the default IP Address into your browser (e.g., and look at the Status page for a list of Clients, do you see the EnvisaLink IP Address/MAC Number? If you can, then that is the IP Address to type into the your Browser to access the Device. It appears that the EnvisaLink 3 is not getting an IP Address from the DHCP of the Router and as such, is not connected to your LAN. You need to describe your Network Setup, how is the EnvisaLink 3 Connectes to the Main Router (Wirelessly vs Hardwired). Have you asked you friend what could be causing the problem. That seems to be the logical first step.....

Re: Logging in to Envisalink 3 locally

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:36 pm
by HankSode
Don't know if you have figured out the issue yet and I'm not sure if this will help - I have wired and wireless computers on my network. I can connect to the envisalink with a wired computer by typing in envisalink. If I try to connect to it via a wireless computer I have to enter the IP address as typing in envisalink just takes me to the google search page.

Re: Logging in to Envisalink 3 locally

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:24 am
by stkachuck
I want to thank everyone for their input. My friend read each response and was able to resolve the problem. Not exactly sure what he did but I believe he reset the board and was then able to see it on the network, then logged in locally to attach to the new network name. Thanks again everyone.