EVL-3 for Monitoring ONLY

Information and support for EnvisaLink modules.

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EVL-3 for Monitoring ONLY

Post by Poolman »

1. If I were to disconnect the EVL-3's TX line and have the device LISTEN ONLY without the ability to send commands to the panel, would it function properly as a monitor only?

2. Is it possible to have a fully connected EVL-3 but blocking internet access using my router settings (DDWRT)? So it works only as a local LAN device where I can monitor and control when I am on the LAN.

I don't want my alarm panel controllable from the internet. I want it to be monitor only from the internet or controllable only from my LAN.

3. Is it possible to have 2 EVL-3's on the same panel to get the best of both worlds (Local control, remote monitoring)?

Is Eyez-ON considering 2 factor authentication?
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Re: EVL-3 for Monitoring ONLY

Post by icecube »

I have the same question before purchasing. Is it possible to access the EVL3 directly on my lan or through my router without having to go through eyez-on servers? and have full functionality?
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Re: EVL-3 for Monitoring ONLY

Post by GrandWizard »

There are a few third-party apps and PC applications that use the TPI port so you could use the module without the Envisalerts service. You just won't get any alerts.
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Re: EVL-3 for Monitoring ONLY

Post by spud »

For example you can interface the EVL3 with HomeSeer (a Home Automation software), and then monitor and have full functionality of your security system without having the EVL3 directly connected to the internet at all.

For example HomeSeer can call or text me when an alarm goes on, I use my DSC motion sensors to turn on some lights, I can arm my security system from my phone, etc... Possibilities are endless. And I can do all that without having my system connected to a monitoring service.
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