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Vista not issuing Alarm Signals

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:57 pm
by GrandWizard
Hello folks, I have a customer who, as far as I can tell, has followed all of the Honeywell programming but still cannot get the panel to issue an alarm signal. All other signals work including open and closings.

The customer has made sure that all his zone reporting codes are non-zero.

The customer says that he has armed his system, and several hours later tripped a zone and caused an alarm. No signals were transmitted by the panel other than the opening after the alarm.

Any ideas?

Re: Vista not issuing Alarm Signals

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:39 am
by DaveSin
How long did he wait before disarming the system? Depending on the setting, he should allow adequate amount of time before an Alarm signal is sent. I think 30 seconds is the default time, although his system could be set for a much longer duration. Ask him to have the alarm keep going off for a longer period to see if the signal is received (let say 60 or 90 or 120 seconds). I can't remember off hand what the appropriate programing code to access the delay time before the alarm signal is sent.

Re: Vista not issuing Alarm Signals

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:46 am
by GrandWizard
The customer says that he had left the panel armed for a few hours.

Re: Vista not issuing Alarm Signals

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:40 pm
by DeanRobinson
I would have him verify *50 to make sure he put in a zero, I'm thinking he trips the alarm but then puts in his code before the timer *50 times out then it would cancel the event.

He should do a #50 and see what echo's back. I believe on a vista 20 "PSIA" he would enter 2 0's

Re: Vista not issuing Alarm Signals

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:52 pm
by DaveSin
DeanRobinson wrote:I would have him verify *50 to make sure he put in a zero, I'm thinking he trips the alarm but then puts in his code before the timer *50 times out then it would cancel the event.

He should do a #50 and see what echo's back. I believe on a vista 20 "PSIA" he would enter 2 0's
That is the point I was trying to make, but apparently "GrandWizrd totally misunderstood what I was attempting to get across here. If it is set to the default of 30 seconds and the alarm event is canceled under 30 seconds, no Alarm Event will be transmitted and the Server would not send out a email/SMS. We have seen this happen to a few individuals on this Forum. I have my delay set to 0 seconds, although the Pros think this will lead to higher incidence of false alarm to the Central Monitoring Center.
PART 2: Honeywell Vista Configuration
3 - Communications Setup
Go to the following sections, and program them as indicated (Note: this is for Sole Communicator setups, you may need to specify different settings if you have more than one communicator enabled):
*48 - Contact ID. Use the default, Contact ID 4 by setting *48 to 77
*49 - Split/Dual report. *49, should be set to 5 to enable both communicators getting events
*50 - Burglar Dialer Delay (optional). The default is [2,0] which causes a 30 second delay until an alarm event is sent out. If you want the event to be sent out with no delay then set this to [0,0].
*54 - Dynamic Signalling. You should turn off the dynamic signalling delay by making *54 to 0
*55 - Communicator Priority. Put the reporting priority to, *55, to 1 to make sure the Envisalink gets the event first