refereshing of status

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refereshing of status

Post by bickyb »

I am using the web portal on my iPhone to control my EVL-3.
Is there a way to have the status automatically update? I have to manually click the status button to get the latest status of my alarm system.
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Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:11 pm

Re: refereshing of status

Post by touchdown »

I'm having the same problem, it's pretty frustrating. Why can't it AT LEAST refresh the status if an arm or disarm command is sent??
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:36 pm

Re: refereshing of status

Post by brandonlive »

I agree this would be nice, so put me in for +1, but I suspect Eyez-On may be reluctant to implement this feature because of server load concerns. If you have a degree of technical savvy, you could create a simple HTML document (perhaps saved locally) that has the web portal in an iframe and automatically refreshes it every x seconds.
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